Life is odd

running in place to stand still

Before I forget again, a new column is up at Bookslut.

In other news, today was our first real snow of the winter.


By our standard, this is a mere dusting. Somewhere in Austin, however, Adam is crying.

It's a good thing that I finally finished the Everday Cardi.


The white blur would be Mooch, who made a half-assed attempt to gnaw off one of the buttons while these pictures were being taken. He's just not right.

The sweater itself is good and warm, if a bit scratchier than I'd anticipated. Not sure what to do about that, other than to wear a heavier shirt underneath it.

Also on the knitting tip, Debbie Stoller has a new book out, Stitch 'n' Bitch Nation. I was fairly certain I could resist it until I saw this:
Now, I am tempted. I mean, really -- where else could you learn how to knit your own Ramones?


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