for matt r.
February 23, 2005
W/R/T Hunter S.:
This Cintra Wilson obit from Salon puts it in persepective, I think. Buck up, little camper. While it's tragic on many, many levels, it isn't completely black.
My favorite part from said obit:
"I think it is improper and disrespectful to whine about this suicide. Thompson was in the game for a very, very long time, and I think it is a safe bet that he was never comfortable. This was a profoundly tortured guy, the smoke from whose ears always made a whole lot of exciting colors that we all enjoyed. It was a great brain to watch but you wouldn't want to live in it, I'd aver. He was a butch motherfucker and I'd bet cash he stuck it out significantly longer than he really wanted to. Let's face it, HST was not one for the nursing home -- he'd have just stolen everyone else's barbiturates and hurt people trying to arm-wrestle."
Yeah, HST wasn't made for the nursing home. He's cannon fodder now.
Posted by: matthew | February 23, 2005 at 03:19 PM