and so we are back

black hole of slack

I am once again proving a cliche. "They" say that if you want something done, you should give it to a busy person. Now that I'm not busy, I can't seem to get off of the couch. Classes are done. The book is done. All of my freelance things for this month are done. On Monday, I actually cleaned the house. And, now, I can't seem to motivate myself to do more than watch tennis and knit. Not that these are bad things, mind, just that blogging will be slight when the computer is sooooo faaaaar away. (It's like a whopping ten feet but still.)

Also, blogging will be slight because the Hub and I are going to the Big City tomorrow for a work/fun trip. The laptop will come with me, but I make no promises that I'll actually write anything. We are going to see The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. I shall report back.

Oh, and on the tennis front, now is the time for the glorious red clay. Sadly, Andre Agassi is out in the first round. Sucky way to go, too, what with the numbing pain and all. The press conference afterwards was amazingly respectful and his answers were heartfelt. This exchange stuck with me:

Q. So many players reach into their 30s. They really don't have a viable alternative to life after tennis. You have so many options: a growing charity, a family. When you weigh what you could do as a full‑time parent and husband against being on tour, what is still the upside of playing? You don't have anything to prove, you've won all four Slams.

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, it's what I do. I mean, it's what I do until I don't do it any more, you know. And it's given me a lot. You know, I'll assess the necessary components at the end of the year. But I can't afford to pollute the potential of my winning matches or tournaments with sitting on the fence, with where I am, what I'm doing, why I'm doing it. You know, some things you have to question; other things you have to not question. You have to just put your head down and work.

Words to live by, really, professional athlete or no.


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