hybrid vigor
early and often hybrid

miller nation

Advisory: I am aware that the color scheme is hard on the eyes. Steps are being taken. See, yesterday, in a fit of psychosis, I starting dinking around with the colors. I honestly thought I'd erased this hideousness. It appears that I saved it and made it live. Further proof that I am a goober. Further updates on my gooberness as needed.

Apparently, someone thought it was a good idea to send Scott Miller to Amsterdam. It's a wonder everyone can still function. There is video proof that the boys did get out into the daylight every now and again. It's here. I'm sure you can sort out how to make it play, despite the Dutch titles.

Speaking of, Knoxville magazine did a feature on Scott not overly long ago. I want that t-shirt in the second photo.

For the Texans -- news has it that MIller will be in the Lone Star State soonish. It is a moral imperative that you go see him live. Fly, my pretties.



Any burning sensation you experience from this point onward is your own problem. Maybe you should stop being so naughtie, eh?

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