May 17, 2006
"Vulvar and vaginal nips and tucks represent the fastest-growing segment of plastic surgery, according to Dr. V. Leroy Young, who chairs the Emerging Trends Task Force of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
The techniques have been practiced for more than half a century to repair childbirth-related injuries. But a decade ago a handful of West Coast surgeons for the first time promoted the procedures to improve sexual function and to prettify women's genital organs...."
You know, there are some stories that simply boggle one's mind. This recent Houston Press story about a doctor who makes her living doing plastic surgery on vulvas simply has to be read to be believed. And one you get to the end, you'll simply be unable to wrap your head around the whole thing. But it does touch on several interesting points about American culture, from pr0n to capitalism to shame. It's a doozy.
From the ridiculous to the sublime...
As a palate cleanser, some sensible advice from Dr. Parker on how to raise a 21st century child who is above average.