
funny hair guy

For M's birthday, we got her the new Dan Zanes album Catch that Train. While she seems fond of it, I can't seem to stop listening to it. "Funny Hair Guy," which is what we can the ex-Del Fuego in our house, has put together quite a collection of groovy musical styles and guests. It is the infrequent album indeed that has Natalie Merchant, The Blind Boys of Alabama, Kronos Quartet and Nick Cave on it, much less one pitched to kids. It's good stuff and I catch both the Diva and I humming bits of it.

Here endeth today's pitch.

Carry on.


Huh, I've met Nick Cave several times, hard to imagine him on a kid's album. 'Course, he's got several of his own now, I guess the heroin is finally wearing off.

This album is currently getting a lot of play in our house, too--although I'm usually the one suggesting it!!!

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