stupid internet quiz, with ayurveda

random and randomer

* Orbitz, bless their captialistic hearts, sends me weekly email about their travel deals. This week's was Vegas and it took a great deal of restraint to not drive to Albany and hop on a plane. I have no interest at all in gambling -- really it's just a tax on people who are really bad at math -- but would dearly love to do some shopping and eating in fabulous environs. The sad thing is that it is cheaper for me to fly 3-4 hours to Vegas for a weekend than it is to drive 3-4 hours to NYC to spend a weekend doing the same things that I would do in Vegas. Sad, eh?

* The shoe saga has found a temporary end.


In my size they look less like cute little pilgrim shoes and more like Frankenstein running from the angry mob shoes but they were the most comfy item that Sport Tek, my local shoe store, had. My hope is that one day I will find something as comfy and much, much cuter.

* Because of Ms Lynn's praise, I joined the Button of the Month Club. My robots just arrived. Not sure what I'll do with them but, damn, they are cute.

* The Diva's daycare/preschool has been awesome when it comes to dealing with the Celiac thing. They have come up with solutions that I haven't even considered. Like, for instance, rice cakes, which the Diva loooooves beyond all rational thought and which make a great base for pizzas, sandwiches and snacks. Genius, I tell you.

In addition, some other resources have been beyond valuable. Like Gluten-Free Girl, who will soon have her own book out, and who recently provided a list of other great online resources. She and other bloggers are helping me move past one of my biggest peeves, which I also have with older vegetarian cooks. If I wanted to eat something that looked like meat, I would simply eat meat. If I wanted to eat something that looked like wheat but didn't come close to it in terms of any other sensory input, I would just eat wheat. Don't keep trying to give me fake bread or fake ground meat. Celebrate what is on the menu and stop making it look like other stuff.

Here endeth today's lesson on food.

* The Featureless Saint's birthday is coming up. I have no idea what to get him. Anyone have anything that has worked for them?

* I have had an epiphany in terms of my freelance magazine work. Said epiphany is this -- there is no magazine that caters to the kind of mom/writer/woman I am. I am not hip enough for Bust. I am not mommy enough for Parenting or Parents (and also suck ass at writing the "Ten Tips on Closets" features.) I am not rich enough or settled enough or *something* enough for Real Simple. Weird moms have no magazine; therefore, I have no one to pitch to. I suspect we have no magazine because we don't buy enough stuff -- but that is another issue for another day.

* W/r/t the Diva and Celiac: it has become her excuse du jour for why she can't do something. For example: "I can't pick up my jacket/go to sleep/eat a carrot because I have celiac disease."

* There is a children's book writer named Clem Martini. I must meet him.

Carry on.


For reading and submitting work to, check out Mothering magazine- all kinds of weird moms, myself included, dig it!

Weird moms launch a magazine?

On a more serious note,have you tried submitting to "Brain,Child"?

Also, I picked up a new parenting magazine called "Kiwi" the other day, and they might be a good market for a piece about parenting a child with celiac.

I'm not sure I'm smart enough to write for "Brain, Child." And, oddly, I'm on an egroup with B,C's editors. I should pitch them some stuff, tho.

I'm intrigued by "Kiwi" and will have to find a copy. Same with Mothering. It's been a few years since I've read it and suspect it has changed.

Thanks, tho. And this weird mom is waaaaaaay to tired and broke to start a magazine. It's a pricey proposition and one almost certain to fail.

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