scrambling around like eggs in a pan
October 16, 2006
There will be more on Memphis soon. Just not now. Now is reserved for coming back up to speed on the daily routine and the pesky jobs.
There are stories. There are pictures. Some of the pictures even have stories -- but all of that must wait.
Two things, while there is waiting:
1) If you are in Oneonta, please come to my reading tonight at 7 pm at the Red Dragon Theatre, which is in Hunt Union.
2) The coffee incident, from this weekend's Daily Star, presented for your enjoyment.
And the third thing (yes, I didn't mention there would be a third thing, but it is worth saying):
3) Always find the knitters. The knitters will show you a good time.
"Why does the house smell like coffee?" my husband asked when he came downstairs. "Why are you wearing snowpants?" he asked the Diva. "And why is your brother naked?"
Guess we know where the Diva gets it . . .
Anybody have a couple world series tickets they're trying to get rid of?
Posted by: matthew | October 16, 2006 at 10:54 AM
So after Cory stuffs cat hair in his mouth, does he get hairballs?
Posted by: Trish | October 16, 2006 at 12:12 PM
Hey-Any readings scheduled in the Boston area? Oneonta is kind of a haul.
Posted by: karrie | October 16, 2006 at 02:07 PM
Hey, I still might have a contact or two at Borders, anything I can do to get you in the door?
Posted by: matthew | October 16, 2006 at 04:31 PM
I have no World Series tickets. Indeed, I don't even know who is playing. Sorry.
Karrie -- I'd love to come to Boston but am not sure how the process works. Are there any book- or mom-related events that you know of in the area? Any bookstores who would be sympathetic to the cause? Or maybe I'll just convince myself and the fam that we need a road trip...
Matt -- I appreciate the offer but don't know how to use it to my advantage. Oooooh. That sounds naughty.
Trish -- we make sure that Cory has his hairball meds every day. He like the liver flavor.
Posted by: Adrienne | October 17, 2006 at 09:24 AM
Hmmm...I always assumed publishers or agents arranged that kind of thing,but I know of a few locations that might be receptive if you contact them.
Brookline Booksmith has a fantastic Writers & Readers series. I know Brett Paesel read there recently, and I went to a reading last spring by Marrit Ingman. They have a great children's section and I know a lot of mothers frequent the store.
Porter Square Books is another local independent to try. They hosted a reading recently with a few of the contributors to the anthology "It's a Girl".
Harvard Book Store might also be worth contacting.
I do not know of any mom-centric events in the near future, but I'll let you know if I hear of any.
Posted by: karrie | October 17, 2006 at 11:23 AM