shameless self-promotion, number 262 in a series
tell me somethin' good

shameless self-promotion, number 263 in a series

Last night, while not a good night for sleeping (thanks to the rassafrassin kids), was a great night for dreaming. And, yes, reading somebody else's dream is pretty dang boring so I'll spare you all of the details except for this little bit: I was back in Austin performing in some show for the Public Domain back in the old Vortex movie theater space with all of the regulars. Except I was me as I am now, not as I was then, which was weird. When I woke up, I had an urge to find out where everyone went and didn't have much luck. I found Robi. I knew that Michelle was working for the State Theatre. And then ...  nothin'. It's like it never existed, even in this miraculous age when you can find almost anything out about anyone just with a couple of keystrokes.

What I did find, however, was some very odd jewelry made from old Barbie bits. Again, weird.

On to the shameless promo --

The February Bookslut is live. My contributions to the whole endeavor include an interview with Justine Larbalestier and a column on Cherie Priest's Eden Moore  books. It is with the issue that I realized that Colleen Mondor and I read the exact same things. Maybe we should start calling each other before starting the month's reading to make sure we won't wear the same outfit...


Is it just me or are those Barbie things are really creepy.

Gosh - I dunno. I am mysteriously drawn to the boob/pastie necklace. Can't put my finger on it.

I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt right now (and some very comfy slippers)- does any of that sound familiar?

Thanks for reading the review!


hey, congrats on the justine larbalestier interview! i've been digging her Magic or Madness books.

Eisha -- love Justine Larbalestier. And she is just a hoot to interview, even though we did it all through email.

Colleen -- that's just what I'm wearing! Except I've got a flannel shirt and a wool shawl on as well. It's really flippin' cold here. I'm going to email you in a minute to find out what you're writing about for the 'slut next month...

Featureless -- you can put your finger on it later, if you want.

Trish -- creepy. I find them nightmareishly creepy.

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