shameless self-promotion, number 282 in a series
October 08, 2007
Because of Columbus Day, the Diva is home and underfoot. She is also bored. And this is somehow my responsibility, despite the number of things she *could* be doing. I suggested dusting, which earned me only an eyeroll.
The promo: a review by yrs trly of Lady Chatterly's Rosebud Wristlet (the Book) in the Baltimore City Paper. This ran in print a while back but was missed by the web monkeys. It's up now, which means I get to lay eyeballs on Deanna Staffo's fabulous illo. Holy bovine, I love that art.
In keeping with what is turning into an ocular theme -- Eyeball yarn! Made. of. awesome.
Finally, two pixs I found while I was searching for pictures of yarn for Ravelry (shutup). My kids, almost two years ago:
The Dude.
The Diva.
And by way of comparison, two that I shot yesterday:
The Dude.
The Diva.
Boggles the mind, it does.
What a couple of cuties. :) It does boggle the mind. I was just asked on Sunday night (again) how old my twins are.
Posted by: Heidi | October 09, 2007 at 01:16 PM