oh, the pain.
October 09, 2007
As usual, a deadline snuck up on me. How do they do that when I am so organized and on top of things? Some quick hits --
The serious hits:
* Richard Cohen's Passages column about his mother's suicide attempts and PPD.
* Speaking of - Colleen Mondor gives some love to Hillbilly Gothic in the most recent issue of Ecletica.
The not-at-all serious hits:
* EW's Popwatch linked to a YouTube clip of a Top Model "rapping" and warned that it was even worse than you might expect. How bad could it really be, I thought, as I clicked. I made it 60 seconds before my ears started to bleed. I'm not sure who should feel more ashamed -- me, EW or the rapper in question...
* When, O when will Barney's Blog be back? I miss it more than I'd thought.
* I now know what I'll be knitting for Christmas.
Thanks for the Richard Cohen shout out. Amazing article.
Posted by: Mrs. G. | October 10, 2007 at 01:58 AM
Lucky you: in your case, the young lady in the video invited you to share in the love that dare not speak its name if you did not enjoy her performance. Surely a cunning linguist such as yourself is up to the task.
Posted by: matthew | October 11, 2007 at 04:30 AM