made of suck
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Mooch update

Three words from the vet last night: Acute Renal Failure.

The Mooch could have ingested something toxic or it could have been congenital. Regardless, the news is pretty dire. We're doing a 48-72 hour phosphorous binding treatment and fluids but ... well... there's been lots of talk about the big pink shot that will send him gently into that good night.

I'm crying as I type this because even though he is an eeeeeevil, psychotic cat, he is our eeeeeevil, psychotic cat.  If that makes any sense.

Right, then. Must man-up and deal with the undergrads.

More details as they become available, but suspect they'll be of the bleak-to-bleaker persuasion.


Sorry about the cat. No doubt the undergrads will say something hateful and you will be able to direct your grief (in the form of wrath) at them.

I'm sorry. :( I remember having to put my last cat down because there was nothing they could do. I cried like a baby for days.

and rereading Darwinia? I love that book. Bios was neat, although a little rushed.

Shit. I'm so sorry, and hope he makes an unexpected turnaround.

Hoping for the best.

So sorry about the Mooch.

Hell. Double hell. I'm more sorry than I can say. Sometimes its the challenging pets that make the greatest impression and leave the biggest hole.

I second the hope for an unexpected turnaround.

Wishing Mooch a speedy recovery and many more years of eeeeeevil.

I'm so sorry to hear about The Mooch ...
I too will hope the meds work and he has a full recovery. I remember the stories you would tell of him when we were at MP - what a wonderful eeeeevil kitty cat.

Well damn, I wish I had seen this before accidentally calling last night. Hope all is well.

I still tear up remembering my old Maine Coon that we put to sleep in December of 2006. He had lived with fairly severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy for years, so I knew we would likely be facing the big sleepy shot at some point, but that did not make it easier.

Mooch may just be evil enough to pull through. Fingers crossed.

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