shameless self promotion, 297 in a series
July 30, 2008
A review of Stross' Saturn's Children in the Baltimore City Paper. I suspect I'm going to be getting a lot of nasty email from Stross' fans. Ah, well.
Vaguely related: Meg McCarron on gender in the new millennium. (Stolen from Gwenda Bond.)
In other news, today marks the day when the Hub and I tied the knot 14 years ago. I know. I'm stunned, too. How can 14 years move so quickly? Yet, they have.
I was going to insert a picture from the wedding here but realized that they would require a) rummaging through boxes in the garage and b) scanning. Which seems like a lot of work. I'll just describe them for you: I look like Heidi Klum. Scott looks like Nathan Fillion. Respectively, we're wearing a big white dress and a black tux.
I love you, Featureless Saint. May we have many, many more years together.
Happy Anniversary! So you must have started dating about the same time I started dating the dude. How is it we've only been married 7? Oh, right, inertia.
Is it better to have looked like Heidi Klum and "lost it" or to never have looked like her at all? Yeah, that came out a lot more offensive than I meant it to be. It also sounded cleverer in my head.
Posted by: Anna | July 30, 2008 at 11:20 AM
Ha! Sometimes I am floored that I have been with my husband as long as I have been (9 years married in Sept). I also freak out when I think my cat is 14 years old. I can't believe I have been so responsible for so long now. Maybe I need to run off to India or something. Except I am 40 weeks pregnant, rats.
Posted by: mamatried | July 30, 2008 at 11:26 AM
Happy anniversary! T. and I will be celebrating #14 in just a few weeks. 1994 was a very good year!
Posted by: Tim | July 30, 2008 at 04:29 PM
Are you ever going to have that baby? It's not like you get extra points for keeping it in longer.
Also, the FS and I lived in sin for 4 years before making it official. Which means we've been together a long time indeed.
Posted by: Adrienne | July 30, 2008 at 04:56 PM
Congratulations! Many happy returns! If you hadn't mentioned it, I would not have remembered that I WAS THERE. I'm not creating false memories, right? This was at the Alleg.chapel?
Posted by: Dave* | July 30, 2008 at 08:49 PM
Yeah, I seem to remember the groomsmen dressed like this:
We are all too young to be so old. Congratulations!
Posted by: matthew | July 31, 2008 at 08:57 AM
Congrats! I remember your wedding...I think it was the first wedding we attended after our own. And it was lovely. Congratulations, again!
ps. Haggis can be tasty. Honest!
Posted by: Heidi | July 31, 2008 at 12:12 PM
It was at the Chapel, yes. And, yes, the groomsmen were all naked. No, wait, that other thing. Not naked.
And thanks for all the congrats.
Posted by: Adrienne | July 31, 2008 at 03:39 PM