many things make a post
September 23, 2008
* Why on earth would anyone think that another Hitchhiker's book -- written by Eoin Colfer, ffs -- is a good idea? Are there really no new, good, original ideas left?
* Neal Stephenson points out new (to me) sources for various sorts of chant, which is the only music that I can have on in the background while working.
* New favorite campaign button, via Jung at Heart:
* True confession - I am a book mangler. I fold corners. I write in them using whatever implement is close at hand. I stick post-its in them. I can hear librarians everywhere cringing. (Speaking of - I need one of y'all to come over and catalog/organize the books on my shelves. They are out of control and I'm *thisclose* to starting a small fire to not have to deal with it. I'll knit you something, if you want.) Anyhoo - this little origami trick could save my books from some wear and tear. I'll have to fold one up to see if they work as promised.
* Note to self, make these gluten free apple muffins for Maddy.
* Writer's Block 911. Heh. (stolen from Heidi.)
* The Daily Show needs Sarah Haskins.
* Your tidbit of the day, from Harper's Weekly: "A truck carrying 20 tons of money from the Philadelphia Mint to the U.S. Treasury in Miami crashed, killing one passenger and spilling 3.7 million nickels onto I-95. "It's shiny," said Florida Highway Patrol trooper Kim Miller."
* The best news factoid ever, stolen from Making Light.
I think we need to spend more time in schools defining the word elitist. Really now.
Posted by: anna | September 23, 2008 at 02:15 PM
I would come arrange your books, but alas, I'm not geographically proximate.
Posted by: Dave* | September 23, 2008 at 09:29 PM
Someone with the name Rothschild should not be calling anyone else an elitist, unless they were disowned three generations ago and currently live out of a double-wide.
Posted by: Netter | September 24, 2008 at 09:07 AM