we had 40 pictures of his shoes
December 31, 2008
Last weekend, we went to Baltimore to visit my grandmother, who is in a nursing home there. Of course, we also had to go see the aquarium. The following may only be of interest to my immediate family. You have been warned.
The megalodon. This one was just a baby. We were all impressed.
The cowfish, which is my new favorite fish, if only because they are so funky looking.
Imagine me holding this pose for an hour. One day, he will be taller. That will be a happy, happy day.
It was right around here, as we were waiting for a bird show to start, that Cory discovered that a digital camera makes a fine toy. Which is why the next 20 shots are a variation on this:
For Cory, the rest of our stay looked a lot like this:
Outside of the aquarium, Maddy found her calling. She may be a scurvy dog.
When the street performer lit his torches, Cory broke into a joyous grin and screamed "fire!" We are doomed.
The rest of the trip was fairly uneventful. We had brunch with insane and/or deaf friends who bought their boys drums for Christmas. We visited with my grandmother. We had dinner with my aunt and uncle. Family stuff -- but good, mostly. We'll be back sooner rather than later, if only so that I can see the cowfish again.
As for tonight, our grand plans are to continue doing mostly nothing, then going to bed. I may bake a cake. We might chuck the kids out in the snow, which we got a lot of last night. We are party animals, we are.