shameless self-promotion, 325 in a series
qotd, my continuing love for Jincy Willett

actual knitting content: shawlette

I've had some time on my hands, which means that I was planted on the couch finishing UFOs while the Boy watched Spongebob. And, so, Multnomah:


The art shots:



My helper during the art shots:


The deets: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock Mediumweight in Froggin purchased from The Fold at Rhinebeck 2009. Size 5 needles. Took maybe two weeks to knit? Something like that. Quickish and satisfying. 

On a completely different note, I'd usually save this for a many things post but I'm not certain how long the link will work. The River Valley guy is placing his ads in the local almost-daily again. I was worried about him. Nice to know he's still f'king that chicken....


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