the long weekend
many things make a post


And so another Thanksgiving has passed. Turkey was et. The house is pretty much trashed. Fun was had. 

The Boy was so wiped out last night - after nearly five days of non-stop movement - he spent the better part of the evening sitting on the couch with me and cuddling his stuffed Paz. This never happens, btw, which is what makes it so bloomin' noteworthy.

Also over the long weekend, I made gnomes. 


The kit is from Halcyon and the instructions make these an easy afternoon project. Stabbing things repeatedly with needles is always fun, too. 

I'm not 100 perfect satisfied with their faces but am still playing with them, in the hopes that they can look more puckish and less psychotic. 

Speaking of -

This is how Greg spent the best part of the weekend:


We will be staging an intervention later.


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