many things make a post
November 17, 2009
Update from the plague house: The Diva is back in school and more or less OK. The Boy is well enough to be a pain in the arse because he's bored but not ready yet to do much. Scott sounds like a phlegmy Barry White. I appear to be well and will now go knock every wooden thing I can find.
So the many things, which aren't as many as usual because I haven't been at my desk all that much during the last few days.
* I can't remember if I've ever mentioned my great love for underground mass transit systems. If not, let me make my love official. I'd rather ride the Tube than in a cab. I'd rather take the Subway than the bus. It's not just the underground train part that appeals, it's also the art. Thanks to this bit of the NY Transit site, I now have a list of stations to visit. That's totally normal, right?
* Want.
* Pink it and shrink it. "Computer cologne?"
* A good friend of ours (who we visit yearly, at the least) lies near Bath, ME, which is just up the road from Freeport. We almost always wind up stopping in Freeport on our way to or from but never quite know what to do, other than hit LL Bean. Now we know.
* Great wedding day advice.
* Mostly for Doula K but good for any Austen fan, I think.
* If you need a laugh: "It's like Ethan Allen shoving his bait and tackle in your face."
* Brustian wisdom. It took almost three years of living in the South before I realized that particular phrase was an insult.
* It makes you wonder if the aftercare worker would have said the same thing to E's dad.
I take all of my life advice from Cake Wrecks....
Posted by: Lee | November 17, 2009 at 12:54 PM
It's probably long gone... and you would never find it on any official site, but...
There used to be (c. 1990/91) an abandoned subway station in Brooklyn that someone had extensively graffiti-ed, so that you saw an animation as you rode toward Manhattan. The pillars of the station were marked off the frames of the animation. It was awesome.
Posted by: trish | November 17, 2009 at 10:24 PM