holiday parade, now with more alpaca

many things make a post

* I love good infographic porn. And this video representation of the decline and fall of maritime empires is awesome infographic porn. I'll be in my bunk.

* Want to live longer? Shack up with a smart woman.

* Oh, Paper Source. Why do you torture me so? 

* The Featureless Saint sent this piece about overparenting along. The part that slays me is that there are now consultants who will come to your house and teach you how to not overparent. Of course, it can be *really* hard to let go, especially when you lose one of them in the woods. And Ali and I had the same response.

* There is something steampunkish about these ads.

* RuPaul's Drag Race will be back soon! Can. Not. Wait.

* I still miss Gilda Radner.

* I don't have a link for this but Karen Joy Fowler (whose Wit's End you should read)  has an essay about grief in December's Real Simple magazine. It is very, very good.

* This piece on men and urinals includes a quote from Josh Wolk. As well as, um, bits about men and urinals.

* Katha Pollit on Gail Collins' book When Everything Changed. I try to not get to ticked off with women my age and younger who "aren't feminists," yet still do wacky things like have jobs or own property or divorce abusive spouses or wear pants...


I was just talking about RuPaul's show yesterday. THANK YOU for making my day.

I'm counting on you to kick me if I ever show signs of overparenting.

So, what happens to the smarter woman with the dumber man?

I think we all overparent in our own unique ways. It's just a question of degree.

And, matt, I have no answer yet. Maybe in the morning. Or after RuPaul's show comes back.

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