actual knitting content + plus yarn porn
November 18, 2010
An apology - I'm usually pretty good at keeping up with comments and emails but last weekend's trip has left me behind. Sorry. I'm working on it. Once I get all of these papers graded...
The weekend away was worth it, tho, no matter how far behind I've been left.* Clara's write up is here and she, as usual, captured the best parts.
What she left out, tho, was all of the swag.
Which included a skein of Socks the Rock Mediumweight,** Berroco's Blackstone Tweed, which I want enough of to make a sweater, Zara's extra fine merino, Dirty Water DyeWorks BFL sock yarn, a couple of pattern books, a stitch marker, chocolate, Soak wool wash and more.
These three skeins of Crystal Palace Chenille I picked up in the Stash Lounge:
I hate knitting with chenille but handknitted washcloths are a great gift and we are entering the season...
And, of course, I had to buy some String Theory, which is quickly becoming my yarn crack:
It's Caper Sock (80 merino/10 cashmere/10 nylon) in Atlantis, which I wished I'd bought four more skeins of. Ah, well. I'll make do. Or buy four more skeins.
Plus, I finished Scott's hat when I got home.
That's me modeling, not Scott. In case you couldn't tell. Now on to the mittens.
And, as is usual, McGregor had to help with the yarn shots:
* You should see how desperately the house needs to be cleaned.
** Each bag had a different color. I scored Hard Rock.
That's some mighty fine swag. I so wanted to get STR at the 'Beck. Must remember to hit that early next time. By the time we got there, the colors were seriously picked over.
Posted by: Trish | November 18, 2010 at 01:27 PM
Love the McGregor and yarn pic. He's looking kind of territorial.
Posted by: Char Roth | November 18, 2010 at 02:03 PM
Cats are so helpful that way. I have any number of pictures of yarn and knitting that feature a furball investigating. Nice yarn!
Posted by: ccr in MA | November 18, 2010 at 08:47 PM
I made a Red Scarf of the Berrocco Blackstone Tweed, so I know whereof you speak. It is indeed mighty nice stuff and would make a cozy soft warm sweater.
Posted by: kmkat | November 18, 2010 at 11:11 PM
I was in McGregor's spot. He's kinda claimed the whole window seat.
And, yea, all the yarn was awesome. I was hoping that someone would tell me that the Blackstone Tweed is awful yarn. Nuts.
Posted by: Adrienne | November 19, 2010 at 02:27 PM