up with figs
qotd, lyric fever

actual knitting content + plus yarn porn

An apology - I'm usually pretty good at keeping up with comments and emails but last weekend's trip has left me behind. Sorry. I'm working on it. Once I get all of these papers graded...

The weekend away was worth it, tho, no matter how far behind I've been left.* Clara's write up is here and she, as usual, captured the best parts.

What she left out, tho, was all of the swag.


Which included a skein of Socks the Rock Mediumweight,** Berroco's Blackstone Tweed, which I want enough of to make a sweater, Zara's extra fine merino, Dirty Water DyeWorks BFL sock yarn, a couple of pattern books, a stitch marker, chocolate, Soak wool wash and more.


These three skeins of Crystal Palace Chenille I picked up in the Stash Lounge:


I hate knitting with chenille but handknitted washcloths are a great gift and we are entering the season...

And, of course, I had to buy some String Theory, which is quickly becoming my yarn crack:


It's Caper Sock (80 merino/10 cashmere/10 nylon) in Atlantis, which I wished I'd bought four more skeins of. Ah, well. I'll make do. Or buy four more skeins.

Plus, I finished Scott's hat when I got home.


That's me modeling, not Scott. In case you couldn't tell. Now on to the mittens.

And, as is usual, McGregor had to help with the yarn shots:


* You should see how desperately the house needs to be cleaned. 

** Each bag had a different color. I scored Hard Rock.


That's some mighty fine swag. I so wanted to get STR at the 'Beck. Must remember to hit that early next time. By the time we got there, the colors were seriously picked over.

Love the McGregor and yarn pic. He's looking kind of territorial.

Cats are so helpful that way. I have any number of pictures of yarn and knitting that feature a furball investigating. Nice yarn!

I made a Red Scarf of the Berrocco Blackstone Tweed, so I know whereof you speak. It is indeed mighty nice stuff and would make a cozy soft warm sweater.

I was in McGregor's spot. He's kinda claimed the whole window seat.

And, yea, all the yarn was awesome. I was hoping that someone would tell me that the Blackstone Tweed is awful yarn. Nuts.

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