many things make a post
November 16, 2010
* What new feminists look like.
* I am soooo tempted by Fancy Hands. Which shouldn't be confused with jazz hands.
* How much do I love this post from Doula K? So, so much, mostly because my kids have the same dang issues. And I want to go to the caveman restaurant, if only because the English translation of their menu is, um, unique.
* Bad Girl in the TARDIS. Related.
* Letters to a Whiny Young Democrat and the Tea Party.
* I got an 8 out of 10. You?
* The trick of cooking for your family? Planning. And, yes, they laugh when I show up at the grocery with my clipboard and lists. But who has matzoh ball soup all ready to go for tonight? Ha.
* My husband needs this cake. I need this burger.
* Am I surprised by this post on plagiarism and its attendant discussions of privilege? Nope.
* Also related: this story in the Atlantic about U.S. schools. (Hat tip to Trish)
* Also related: this story about female college students and their clothing choices. (What interests me most with this are the comments.)
* Also related: My kids and, it appears, most of the kids in their school love RIF day. I had no idea you could give money directly to the cause of giving books to kids. Now that I do, I will.
No linky love to Doula K.
Posted by: The Featureless Saint | November 16, 2010 at 12:09 PM
8 out of 10, but should have been 9 out of 10 due to a slipped finger on the mouse. Care to share what you missed?
Posted by: Andria | November 16, 2010 at 12:16 PM
There should be a link now.
I missed the question on benne wafers (never had one) and country fried v. chicken fried steak. YOu?
Posted by: Adrienne | November 16, 2010 at 12:23 PM
8 out of ten. I use "country fried steak" and "chicken fried steak" interchangeably. I think I also missed #1 or #2, but I don't remember what those questions were. (and I took the quiz 45 seconds sad is that?). Good thing I also plan my menus. For us, it's partly organization, but even more money-saving.
The Saving Dinner cookbook helped me a lot, and now I use their weekly menu mailer (though I strecth a one week menu to two weeks, most of the time, by filling in standard Dugan house meals as well).
Can't wait to view the video when I get home from work.
Posted by: Heidi | November 16, 2010 at 12:23 PM
I got 9 out of 10 because I'd never heard of benne wafers. Remarkable considering this is the closest I've ever lived to the Mason Dixon line, and I am north of it still. Next time you visit, we're heading to Bobby's Burger Palace. He loves to put crunch on his burgers.
Posted by: Anna | November 16, 2010 at 12:38 PM
I got 6 out of 10 but those were mostly lucky guesses. I know crap about southern cooking.
Posted by: Trish | November 16, 2010 at 12:50 PM
8 out of 10, missed the chicken fried vs country fried question (not a beef eater) and had no idea which animal maw came from. It isn't the planning or the cooking that exhausts me (although I don't like doing either one, and resent the fact that by virtue of being the girl I'm responsible for it) it's the figuring out what all these people will eat. 6 of us, all picky, and all picky in DIFFERENT WAYS. (one's a vegetarian, one's diabetic, one's 3, one's 71, and I'm GF, and two who think if it ain't meat it ain't supper. sigh.)
Posted by: Jill | November 16, 2010 at 07:26 PM
Benne wafers for me, too. Now I'm curious and will have to see if they actually exist in ETN.
Posted by: Andria | November 17, 2010 at 10:00 AM