shameless self-promotion, 340 in a series + what I did this weekend
up with figs

many things make a post

* What new feminists look like.

* I am soooo tempted by Fancy Hands. Which shouldn't be confused with jazz hands.

* How much do I love this post from Doula K? So, so much, mostly because my kids have the same dang issues. And I want to go to the caveman restaurant, if only because the English translation of their menu is, um, unique.

* Unpopular science.

* Bad Girl in the TARDIS. Related.

* Letters to a Whiny Young Democrat and the Tea Party.

* I got an 8 out of 10. You?

* The trick of cooking for your family? Planning. And, yes, they laugh when I show up at the grocery with my clipboard and lists. But who has matzoh ball soup all ready to go for tonight? Ha.

* My husband needs this cake. I need this burger.

* Am I surprised by this post on plagiarism and its attendant discussions of privilege? Nope.

* Also related: this story in the Atlantic about U.S. schools. (Hat tip to Trish) 

* Also related: this story about female college students and their clothing choices. (What interests me most with this are the comments.)

* Also related: My kids and, it appears, most of the kids in their school love RIF day. I had no idea you could give money directly to the cause of giving books to kids. Now that I do, I will.


No linky love to Doula K.

8 out of 10, but should have been 9 out of 10 due to a slipped finger on the mouse. Care to share what you missed?

There should be a link now.

I missed the question on benne wafers (never had one) and country fried v. chicken fried steak. YOu?

8 out of ten. I use "country fried steak" and "chicken fried steak" interchangeably. I think I also missed #1 or #2, but I don't remember what those questions were. (and I took the quiz 45 seconds sad is that?). Good thing I also plan my menus. For us, it's partly organization, but even more money-saving.

The Saving Dinner cookbook helped me a lot, and now I use their weekly menu mailer (though I strecth a one week menu to two weeks, most of the time, by filling in standard Dugan house meals as well).

Can't wait to view the video when I get home from work.

I got 9 out of 10 because I'd never heard of benne wafers. Remarkable considering this is the closest I've ever lived to the Mason Dixon line, and I am north of it still. Next time you visit, we're heading to Bobby's Burger Palace. He loves to put crunch on his burgers.

I got 6 out of 10 but those were mostly lucky guesses. I know crap about southern cooking.

8 out of 10, missed the chicken fried vs country fried question (not a beef eater) and had no idea which animal maw came from. It isn't the planning or the cooking that exhausts me (although I don't like doing either one, and resent the fact that by virtue of being the girl I'm responsible for it) it's the figuring out what all these people will eat. 6 of us, all picky, and all picky in DIFFERENT WAYS. (one's a vegetarian, one's diabetic, one's 3, one's 71, and I'm GF, and two who think if it ain't meat it ain't supper. sigh.)

Benne wafers for me, too. Now I'm curious and will have to see if they actually exist in ETN.

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