actual knitting content + plus some cross stitch
February 10, 2011
Oh, February. I'm firmly starting to believe that I've begun freezing from the outside in. I can now see the appeal of saunas.*
In order to cheer myself up, I found the springiest sock yarn in my stash - meaning no brown, gray or white - and cast on.
This is sock #1. I imagine sock #2 will look the same, tho I've only finished the toe increases. Ah, pink. I heart you. The yarn was a gift from Dana at Unwind Yarn Company.
I'm also plugging away on St. Ciaran.
It doesn't look like much but, dang, those rows are long.
While I was digging out craft bags, I uncovered some neglected cross-stitch. McGregor had to help with the picture.
And a shot without a cat head:
I should get back to work on that. The cross-stitch elves appear to have gone on strike. Stupid elves.
* I still can't quite wrap my head around why you would bake in a sauna and then throw yourself in a frozen lake. I suspect it helps to drink large quantities of aquavit beforehand.
I have never thrown myself into a frozen lake post-sauna but I have gotten into a cold shower. A couple of iterations of sauna-to-shower and I am totally relaxed. We're talkin' limp noodle.
Posted by: Lee | February 10, 2011 at 10:27 AM
I learned to love saunas this summer in Finland. By the time I threw myself in the freezing lake, I was so overheated it felt wonderful. Of course, they were having a heatwave, and the one time I tried it when we were on the actual ocean, I was out so fast I practically levitated. But I felt wonderful.
Love the socks. I want to learn the toe-up method, but (as a neophyte) a little intimidated.
Posted by: Delia | February 10, 2011 at 10:51 AM
was given a russian sauna package as a present from the gang when we got married. I had the platza treatment. You get smacked with birch leaves and then have to jump into the pool to cool off. It actually really worked. front platza, jump in pool, back platza, jump into special shower that dumps all this water on you. The weirdest thing was the water then evaporated off my body and I was smooth and dry. Totally a limp noodle at the end. Come back to Philly we can try to together.
Posted by: anj | February 10, 2011 at 12:25 PM
Oooh you're using the yarn I gave you! I'm so glad you like it!! :) I'm ready for spring too... we just got more snow today and of course everyone went crazy, because it's the South and all that.
Posted by: Dana | February 10, 2011 at 09:41 PM