shameless self-promotion, 345 in a series
up with figs, snow hell

many things make a post

* Infographic porn about carbon emissions. (Heh. "Emissions.")

* Patty Smith still rocks, being a list about why getting older is not so bad. (HT Mason Dixon)

* This makes me die a little inside.

* I love the Bad Astronomy blog.

* For the truly obsessive baker: Make your own sprinkles.

* Michael Lewis on Ireland's banking collapse. Given how lucid he is about finance, he should take an equally mind-bending topic, like quantum physics, next. (Also: Michael Lewis plays a board game.)

* I would buy this heat gun just to get the manual.

* Today marks the first day of my Couch to 5K training period. This app has been helpful, because it's always more fun with an app. (You may ask: so, Adrienne, how did the first day go? And I will say, "During the fourth running interval, I started to think it would be easier to die. But now I feel great and accomplished and stuff and am glad I didn't decide to die.")

* Two kid related stories from the NYT: how to get through a sleepover and something that is patently obvious to anyone who has a kid in school.


My reaction to the spread of swine flu link was a resounding "Duh!" but I suppose they're all excited because now there's scientific evidence for it. Hurrah for empiricism, I guess.

I can just picture the lawyers for the heat gun...bewildered, but resigned that it actually covers their asses.

OK the words " prophylactic nap " are awesome. At our house we call it a "disco nap" which Sue hates the sound of. I wonder if she'll like "prophylactic nap" more.

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