qotd, truth.
qotd, on hate

many things make a post

* Mary Roach on pooping.

* I kinda wish I'd never discovered this site.

* Here. Have a perspective check.

* An author's prayer. (And if you haven't read The Magicians yet, you should.)

* How the NPR voices look .

* Want.

* Not that any of us need a guide for this, really, but how to land your kid in therapy.

(Just a note: I'm going to be a little thin on the ground this week, what with getting ready to show off The Sweater in Houston and Austin, not to mention getting the house put back together after two weeks of bedlam and painting (the dining room, not art). So, a question: what's the part of this summer that you are most looking forward to? And what is the part you are dreading? Leave a comment on this post and there just might be a prize (picked at random).)


I look forward to walking to the ice cream shop across from the park. I'm not looking forward to the need to sit with my feet in a bucket of ice water.

Oh, and you are going to Texas in July? Really?

Looking forward to my nephews' visit in August and the month of October, when the dude gets to take vacation (we don't really have "summer vacation," academic work notwithstanding). Not looking forward to the family photo shoot in Maine.

My budget will not thank you for the ribbon site. Will not.

I already had the part I look forward to the most which is spending the last week of June in Ocean City, NJ with my mom, 2 sisters (their husbands and kids) and my husband & kids. My second favorite thing is 4 days in OC, NJ with my 2 daughters in late August. (I love beaches and family). The part I am dreading is the time in between these vacations, working extra hours filling in for other people's vacations.

Right now. Driving to Michigan from our home in Florida to visit family and see my grandaughter that I haven't seen for a couple of years. The drive sucks but it will be worth it.

I love summer because I am finally warm. If it's under 80, I'm freezing which makes for long winters even here in TN. The mosquitos make me crazy though.
The ribbon site made me think, have you ever done any card weaving?

Most looking forward to, not having to hound children to get up, make your lunch, RUN! Here comes the bus!! Least looking forward to, the spiraling stress as husband prepares for the massively important interview at end of September.

Hhhhmmmm. Let's see...
Most looking forward to going to the dog park more often with Gracie now that it's warm and the park's not all muddy.
Not looking forward to all of the stress and crap associated with our ticketed outdoor concert this summer. Groan. Let's hope I survive the next 2 1/2 weeks leading up to it.

Every day I look forward to sitting outside in the warm, balmy afternoon & drinking & reading - no distractions, no problems, just me & my book. Love love love it 'cause it's the only time of year I can actually do this.

Where in Austin will you and the sweater be??

The sweater and I will be at the Knitting Nest on Sunday at 1p.m. COme on by, if you can.

Getting our dog pen built. Being able to just open the door and let these two beasts run outside, instead of trying to wrangle them on leashes = brilliant.

I am both looking forward and dreading the end of the Harry Potter movie series. Looking forward because I've been frantically making movie accurate Hogwarts uniforms for her and her friend (including knitting 2 sweaters) and when the movie comes I'll be released from the sweatshop. Dreading it because she's spent the past week moaning dramatically about the end of her childhood and the movie hasn't been released here yet. I'm almost afraid of what she'll be like after.

I am looking forward to and dreading the chaos of building a new kitchen and destroying the old. I am sooo looking forward to going to Northern Minnesota for three(yes, yes, three) weeks!! I am working on lace, baby sweaters, a scarf, and a baby blanket. I am looking forward to their completion. And starting new projects.

I'm looking forward to hopefully having some job interviews, and --dare I dream?-- a job offer.

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