many things make a post
in which I make it worse by trying to make it better

knitting and pirates

A small figs fyi, y'all. Lisa had the temerity to go and get paying work, which is keeping her busy for the moment. Figs will be back, eventually. Mostly because I don't think I'll be getting any freelance paying work in the near future.*

Anyhoo, go visit her and tell her that you love her. 

In knitting news, I have begun Anne Hanson's Blumchen. McGregor claims it for all of catdom.


I am having a few doubts about making the medium size, which is what all of the numbers and charts and swatch tell me I should be making. It just looks so very tiny. Hrumph. We shall see how this bad boy blocks out.


The color is more true in the picture with the cat's paw; the stitch pattern is easier to spot in the bottom picture. The yarn is Briar Rose Sea Pearl, which I love more than is polite.

And, also, I bought something for the Featureless Saint's office door: 


Actually, I wanted to hang it on my own office door but given that my office is in the house and we have enough problems with The Boy and his cursing, we thought it best to not press the matter. But some day, I shall hang what I want with impunity. IMPUNITY, I tell you.

Oh - and I got it here. 


* Not a pity party. Statement of truth. Publishers are dying, you know, and can't take any risks right now. And I am such a risk. I will totally run with scissors, is what I'm saying.


Gorgeous stitch and yarn. Checked out the etsy shop. I may have to cross-stitch this (

The knitting is beautiful, and thanks for the shop link. I'll be doing some shopping there! When the budget recovers from Christmas, that is.

Teeheehee! I'm glad you got the sign.

That is absolutely gorgeous! And so is the knitting. :)

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