next year is my Douglas Adams year
April 09, 2012
I hope your Passover/Easter was all that you'd hoped, that you were either saved from the plagues and/or visited by a bunny and/or renewed. Or, at the very least, got to sleep in.
I celebrated by turning another year older. I wish I had some deep thoughts about all of that but I don't, really. It's good, this being 41. Your mileage, of course, may vary.
I celebrated by getting a pedicure in an appropriately spring-y color.
Resting on my leg is one of the Top Ten birthday gifts I've received. It's Bert the Farting Hippo from NCIS, a show that my beloved husband got me addicted to. He did the same with Buffy, back in the day.
On Sunday, I celebrated the holiday by doing laundry and making a pizza rustica, inspired by the Tuesdays With Dorie bake-along.
It was good. Not something I need to make again but good. The Featureless Saint wanted more prosciutto, I wanted less sugar in the crust. But, you know, perfectly OK with asparagus and wine.
By all accounts, the kids had a lovely Easter as well. I wouldn't know, given that they are off on a grand adventure for the week with grandma. It's been nice to have so much time - who knew my house could stay so clean? - but it's very strange to not have them underfoot, you know?
Happy birthday! Sounds like a pretty good one, which I always feel bodes well for the coming year.
Posted by: ccr in MA | April 09, 2012 at 03:50 PM
Happy Birthday! Also, if your children were under foot they would ruin that awesome pedicure.
Posted by: cait | April 10, 2012 at 12:11 PM