not a writerly wednesday, unless you want it to be
May 23, 2012
I don't have a great exercise for today, mostly because I've spent it running around greater Oneonta dealing with various appointments for various mammals both big and small. But I do have a small story to tell you.
As I mentioned last week, the kids' school will be closing in June. Still heartbroken but we are Making Do. The Featureless Saint was talking to the Boy a couple of nights ago about it. The conversation went someting like this:
Boy: Is Center Street closing?
FS: Yes. [long pause] You'll still have to go to school, you know. Just a different one.
Boy: Maybe Hogwarts?
And, no, the Boy won't be going to Hogwarts. He's not 11 yet.
Posted by: Heidi | May 24, 2012 at 01:19 PM