We do almost nothing most weekends, except for the weekends when everything happens. Which would have been this past weekend.
First, there was a horse show for the Diva:
She's the pink blob. I picked this picture largely because you can see that the hills are finally starting to green up.
Every event is better when you have an appropriate hair accessory.
The Boy spent the bulk of the show doing this:
I am told this because I only caught the tail end (heh) of the horse show because I was off running.
That t-shirt, which contains our family motto, may become my standard racing shirt. For this race, I did indeed suck less and shaved two minutes off of my time. Which makes me question the accuracy of the timing devices but I'll take it. I'm still very slow, mind you, but am a little less slow, which is a total win.
I also ran into another runner at the finish line who mentioned that she reads the blog and complimented the shawl*. Which was great fun and humbling** - and I did my best to not sweat all over her.
The Boy wanted a picture with me, too, before the race.***
So there he is.
The day ended with for me with a shift at the Toad, my local bookstore where I work a couple of hours each week because it makes me happy to hang out with the books.
I was made doubly happy by a visit from Liz, who also gifted me with a delighfully squooshy skein of her handpainted yarn.
'Twas a very good weekend, indeed.
* I also may have mentioned that I think I'll raffle it off somehow. More on that later.
** I'm always humbled because I still remain astounded that anyone to whom I'm not related would read the blog. I mean, I'm thrilled that people do (thanks!) yet always surprised.
*** Speaking of, I have no idea how I wound up with bib number 1. I suspect it has more to do with my anal retentiveness about returning forms than anything else. Because I totally was not number 1.