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July 2012
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September 2012

another update on the dog

It's a shame she's so tense.


In other Lucy news, the Featureless Saint dropped her off at the vet's this morning so that she can be spayed. Because puppies are the last thing any of us need, even though the would be just damn adorable. Still, there are plenty of puppies to go around just in general. I don't need my dog adding to the stock.

Should all go well -- fingers crossed -- there will be pictures of Lucy in a cone to come. I know the anticpation will make you nuts.

up with figs, active retirement

Once upon a time, Lisa and Adrienne worked for the same alternative newsweekly. Now, both spend their respective lives mining their creative souls and leading hermit-like lives. And so an idea was hatched. Every week, one would send the other a sketch—either in illustration or word form—and the other would make a companion to the sketch. The result would be posted on both their blogs every week, just for grins. Even if the result isn't award-worthy, the exercise makes both minds more nimble. Hopefully.


There is no such thing as rest at the Shady Lane Retirement Community. The Powers-that-Be believe in active retirement. But the brochure fails to mention the unorthodox methods that go well beyond bowling, water zuumba, and pickle ball. Shady Lane is all about surprises. Young toughs are paid to steal handbags and give a merry chase throughout the expertly manicured grounds, slowing to a walking pace when the targets heart rate climbs above 130. The 70-year olds are encourage to steal the wheelchairs of their elders, who leap on conveniently parked Segways.    

Which is to say nothing of Spanish Inquisition night. And, no, no one ever expects it.

Text ©Adrienne Martini; illustration ©Lisa Horstman. Until the end of time. Or something.

many things make a post

* Notes from parents

* Oh, mansplaining. You are so funny.

* Breaking up with your toddler.

* Genius.

* Even with chemo brain, Hitchens could write.

* Stephen Brust! Firefly!

* Turns out that moms are human, too.

* John Jeremiah Sullivan on the Williams sisters.

* A pep talk from John Oliver.

* Bank scandal scorecard.

* Hillbillies and Honey Boo Boo

* Ten Shades of Stupid. (And lookout Featureless Saint. I'm totally doing #6. Prepare yourself.)

actual knitting content

I still knit. I know. I'm stunned, too.


This dark gray shapeless thing is actually the back of Mary Lou Egan's Women's Cardigan (Rav link.) in kidsilk haze. It was one of those knits that I was compelled to make because I want to live in the pattern's picture. What my bad picture doesn't tell you is how airy and warm this will be. Maybe this will help:


So far, I've finished the back and both fronts. Now on to sleeves. Oh, sleeves. You make me sad.

You may have noticed that the overall picture quality on the blog has taken a dive. Partly this is because I need to get myself a new camera, since my old reliable has been dropped one time too many. Mostly, it's because of my new assistant:


up with figs, cookin'

Once upon a time, Lisa and Adrienne worked for the same alternative newsweekly. Now, both spend their respective lives mining their creative souls and leading hermit-like lives. And so an idea was hatched. Every week, one would send the other a sketch—either in illustration or word form—and the other would make a companion to the sketch. The result would be posted on both their blogs every week, just for grins. Even if the result isn't award-worthy, the exercise makes both minds more nimble. Hopefully.


Things that ought not be baked in a pie:

  • Four and 20 blackbirds, for obvious reasons involving cliches.
  • Fingernails, not even those of your enemies.
  • Under-ripe peaches.
  • The transmission of a 2007 Kia Sportage. 
  • Resentment.
  • Eels. Please. Stop with the eels. No one likes them. 
  • Yo mama.
  • Soylent green. No, not even if it is a loose homage to Sweeney Todd
  • The gunk you pulled out of the sink drain. Why would you even think that was a good idea?
  • Your left Birkenstock. It is, however, OK to bake the right one.

Text ©Adrienne Martini; illustration ©Lisa Horstman. Until the end of time. Or something.

many things make a post

* Those invovled in higher ed. (or have kids who might go to college) should listen to this Freakonomics podcast.

* Should I not give him hot peppers?

* This is hauntingly familiar.

* Knit a purple cap.

* Strange answers to the psychopath test, with Scientologists.

* Mo Farah running away from things.

* This American Life's tribute to David Rakoff makes my heart hurt, both from the laughing and the sad. 

* Neither the husband nor I are big Michael IanBlack fans but the last part of his act on John Oliver's Stand Up show had us both in hysterics. This link isn't to that part - I suspect you have to watch the full episode - but is still amusing.

* This matches my experience perfectly. 

* Corbyn and I have had similar summers. Rather than a third kid, tho, mine had a puppy. Karyn and I have also had similar summers.

* Dogshaming.

* In case you've wondered what happened to Hyperbole and a Half's Allie. The news is conditionally good.