bow before my plastic bins
March 28, 2013
The yarn closet has been tamed.
The yarn is in bins* - plus I had enough room to also bin up the spinning fiber and to shelve most of the pattern books. I also found another wee skein of green yarn, which you can see in the center bottom--ish part of the picture. It'll be mittens soon.
I was so thrilled by my progress on this closet that I tackled the one next to it. No big dramatic pictures but I did find two things I'd long thought were lost forever.
Back before the turn of the century, long before we had cell phones and flat screen TVs, I spent six months making gift baskets** at the brand new Central Market on Lamar. I know. I'm old.
When I left Austin, the women I worked with gave me a going away party and presented my with this emergency gift basket kit. Things have never gotten bad enough to use it. May they never do so.
Also -- I FOUND THE SNOW GIRAFFE, whose death I'd long feared.
Lucy would really, really, really like to play with the snow giraffe.
My sincerest wish is that I won't need to put the giraffe to its purpose before November. I am so over this winter.
*I wish I had the space (and kid/pet free house) to do this. Next life, maybe.
** My super-power involves shrink wrap.
SNOW GIRAFFE!! I fear you are not long for thsi world snow giraffe, when corgis have that glint in their eye.
Posted by: anj | March 28, 2013 at 03:59 PM
Mazel tov! I must be the only person in the world who thinks that the pegboard yarn storage is a bad idea. 1. dust, but 2. didn't I read somewhere that you shouldn't leave yarn in center pull cakes like that because it's under tension and will lose sproinginess? Or something.
Posted by: Jen Anderson | March 28, 2013 at 04:03 PM
I agree with Jen. I have achieved child-free (i.e., I lived long enough), and I can (barely) imagine pet free, though I don't think I would like to live like that, but I know I would never get to dust-free! My best solution so far for my most treasured yarns is behind glass doors of a book case, though I am sure any piece of furniture with glass doors would do.
Posted by: Phyllis | March 28, 2013 at 04:16 PM