once more, with feeling
March 11, 2013
Every year, we head up to the Farmer's Museum for Sugaring Off.* Every year, we go with the Pie Goddess, Grill Master and their two kids,** because it is what we do.
As is traditional, Jack's Wax was consumed.
I took the same two pictures I take every year.
New this year, however, were the calves:
who will spend the next four years being trained as a drafting team.
Also new were the sunflowers. Or, rather, the remains of sunflowers, which I found poetic.
And just so that we can keep track for later, three of the kids among the sunflowers:
No, I don't know what they were looking at, other than "not me."***
Before we left, the kids took a few turns on the best carousel in New York State.
A Boy and his swan.
What makes it the best carousel in New York State?
It features a hand-carved bas relief plaque of Fiorello Laguardia. Game, set, and match.
* The Grill Master has a way of saying this that must be heard to be believed. It takes something so wholesome and, well, makes it something so not.
** The eldest, who is about to turn 16, opted out this year, which is to be expected. We're pretty boring.
*** Yes, the Boy's pants are waaaaay too short. We knew how muddy it was and figured this was the best choice. They have since been retired.
That's awesome. All other carousels should just give up now.
Posted by: Jen Anderson | March 11, 2013 at 05:23 PM
Before I saw the inscription, I thought the portrait was of Harry Caray. Illinois, you have your assignment.
Posted by: nerak | March 11, 2013 at 06:02 PM