no figs. sorry.
qotd, running, again.

the bale cometh

Last Christmas, my gift to myself was a share in Clara's Great White Bale. Today, I got a taste of what's to come.


Oh, the antciiiiii .....


.... pation. So soft. So full of vegetable-y bits. But so soft. I just ... hey.


This is why I can't have nice things, McGregor.



I'll move it off of your table in a minute, cat. Sheesh.



Greeted as they should be - thank you for the smile!

The pix of Greg are priceless! Does Lucy smell Sheep?

Is he claiming it as his own?

Lucy is off having her hair done so she hasn't had a chance yet to sniff the mail.

Just card the cat hair into the merino - and voila, a new, one-of-a-kind yarn blend!

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