many things make a post
May 14, 2013
* Books are gendered, too.
* "Don't be shitty."
* I *heart* Lindy West so hard.
* "This is Water."
* Related to the above: This is depression, with illustrations.
* While this piece is a touch hyperbolic, it feels true, especially from the POV of someone who spends some time interacting with college students.
* How to be a grown up. #5 is especially true and I frequently fail at #6, despite how simple it is. (ht Gwenda.)
* Yes, they do. (The opening anecdote reminds me of a scolding I was on the receiving end of while interviewing Antonya Nelson. But that is another story for another day.)
* Make good use of the cicada invasion and do some science.
* Meagan says what every parent should know but almost never manages to remember during the heat of the moment.
* You could have been a hamster mamma.