many things make a post
May 07, 2013
* Cosmarxpolitan. Can't. Stop. Giggling.
* Biology is both fascinating and delicious.
* To the parents of small children.
* Further proof that the culture at large doesn't give two craps about rural Appalachia. (The doc looks great, however, if harrowing. I want to see it.)
* I kinda love Kevin Spacey now.
* On locker rooms and Jason Collins.
* Worth reading for the first line alone.
* I keep meaning to post this but haven't: Cotton Mather (the band, not the preacher) was one of my favrotie Austin bands. I also had the honor of working with Whit, who is one of the nicest guys I've ever met. Glad to hear that Kontiki has legs.
* The mighty tick. (Not to be confused with the mighty Tick.)
* This is awesome and terrifying and awesomely terrifying.
Lots of good stuff here. Thanks for the Dooce article. I needed that. The weeks leading up to a recent medication adjustment were just miserable. I am feeling much better now. I am not alone and that matters.
Posted by: Debra | May 10, 2013 at 04:14 AM