qotd, yoga is now
May 03, 2013
"The thing is, Jackie, we are used to thinking yoga will change our body to the way we want it to be -- taller, thinner, stronger, more fluid -- and then, and only then, will we really be able to 'do' yoga. But we can only ever do yoga with the body we have in this very moment right now.
"The first sutra or line of scripture from the traditional philosophy of yoga reads, 'Yoga is now.' It's a mandate to relate to yourself as you are. When we take our short arms and flabby thighs and gripped abdominals and bunions and muscle bound shoulders, not to mention our bad mood and our burning ambition and our irritating, competitive nature -- take all of that onto the mat with us and do yoga with all that in the mix -- then we are doing yoga. And if our arms get longer and our legs get thinner we won't care anymore. It's not about that. We will be integrated -- my favorite definition of yoga."
-- Cyndi Lee, May I Be Happy: A Memoir of Love, Yoga, and Changing My Mind.*
* FYI: Cyndi was gracious enough to talk to me for Sweater Quest and we struck up a friendship. I was fortunate enough to read a draft of her book back when it had a different title. She has made a tender, open book that explores how she "changed her mind" about a lot of things, many of which we all struggle with, like self-image and self-care. It's a stern hug of a book, if that makes sense, in all of the best ways.
this is so timely. i was just asking my yoga teacher if she thought yoga changes the brain. the answer is yes. i feel that is starting to happen to me. i am eager to read this book. all of that stuff she brought to the mat is exactly what i used to bring, but gradually that is receding & it is amazing.
Posted by: barb | May 03, 2013 at 05:57 PM