up with figs, fly puppy
July 24, 2013
Once upon a time, Lisa and Adrienne worked for the same alternative newsweekly. Now, both spend their respective days mining their creative souls and leading hermit-like lives. And so an idea was hatched. Every week, one would send the other a sketch - either in illustration or word form - and the other would make a companion sketch. The result would be posted on both their blogs every week, just for grins. Even if the result isn't award-worthy, the exercise might make both minds more nimble. Hopefully.
Lately the dog has taken to jumping and snapping at any insect that flies near her. It’s hysterical, really, watching a corgi launch from stumpy legs at a horsefly.
It’s surprising how many bugs she catches. I mean, she’s not a danger to the local population. But any number of successes above zero is a win, when you’re only a foot off of the ground.
Her face is what gets me. It’s a mix of delight and what-the-hell-is-in-my-mouth-and-would-it-be-cool-to-spit-it-out. It’s an expression I know well.
Text ©Adrienne Martini; illustration ©Lisa Horstman. Until the end of time. Or something.
We had a dog who liked to chew bees and spit them out like tobacco. It was HYSTERICAL. So glad to hear your princess poopsalot is helping with the insect population.
Posted by: anj | July 24, 2013 at 09:09 AM
Ahahaha! There's another Princess Poopsalot out there! I need to go tell Mika (once she's up from her Nap #3)
Posted by: Beez | July 24, 2013 at 10:30 AM
Our Princess Poopsalot is too busy chasing bugs to sleep.
Posted by: Adrienne | July 24, 2013 at 10:39 AM
We used to have a cat the would catch and eat flies. He cold be sound asleep in an upstairs bedroom and hear a fly buzz on the back porch. He'd come downstairs, get the fly, then go back upstairs to resume his nap. RIP, Pius.
Posted by: kmkat | July 25, 2013 at 01:05 PM