up with figs, muscle
December 03, 2014
Once upon a time, Lisa and Adrienne worked for the same alternative newsweekly. Now, both spend their respective days mining their creative souls and leading hermit-like lives. And so an idea was hatched. Every week, one would send the other a sketch - either in illustration or word form - and the other would make a companion sketch. The result would be posted on both their blogs every week, just for grins. Even if the result isn't award-worthy, the exercise might make both minds more nimble. Hopefully.
Have I ever told you my sure-fire method for avoiding writer’s block? Seriously - this could not be more true and you just drew an image that lived only in my brain. What I do is this: I image two thuggish guys — one craggy-but-devious, one doughty-but-strong — standing right in front of me demanding copy right now. They know I’ve been holding out, see, and need me to focus on how much I love my knee-caps. Works every time.
Text ©Adrienne Martini; illustration ©Lisa Horstman. Until the end of time. Or something.