once more into the fix, my friends
April 30, 2015
Because I'm still intrigued by the idea of Stitch Fix,* even if my results haven't been 100 percent stellar yet, I signed up for another box o' clothes.
There was one top that was a "no" from the moment I put it on.
Which made me sort of sad because it was a top I'd seen on someone else's Stitch Fix Pinterest Board and requested. It's a great top for someone who is not built like me.
This top was almost perfect for someone built like me -- but I'd have to go up a size to really make it work with my boobs. It went back.
These are the two pieces I kept, even though this isn't the best photo. The sweater is the perfect weight for flinging over more summer-y tops and dresses that I wear to work because my office is always 90 degrees but the outside world is still not-quite-spring. The sweater drapes well and is like a grown-up blankie -- but silkier.**
I also kept this sleeveless top because I have decided that this is the summer I start wearing sleeveless tops, dammit. They look so good on everyone else that I will ignore my Arm Issues*** and get my guns out. We'll see how long this lasts.
And, now, the dress of great controversy:
Cute, right? I almost committed to it but could envision absolutely nowhere I'd wear it, save to an '80s theme night. And if I were to wear it there, I'd definitely need a more supportive bra. The Husband mentioned that my opinion might be skewed by my corgi socks, which we're doing the look any favors:
Still, I was on the fence about keeping it. Really. Didn't pull the trigger, though, and back to Stitch Fix it went.
Two for 5 isn't bad. Can't wait to see what turns up in two more months.
* Short explanation: After you fill out a questionnaire, you pay Stitch Fix $20 to pull four or five garments that might work for you. Keep what works (and pay for them, natch) and send back the rest. The $20 gets credited to your purchase. If you want more info, click on this link.
** Note: it's not silk, unless silk is now made entirely through industrial processes. But it feels silky, which is what counts.
*** Don't get me started.