qotd + the return
shameless self-promotion, 399 in a series

many things make a post

* It's the rakish tilt of her hat that does it for me.

* Massage works (in rabbits, at least).

* George Washington's hair.

* This is also true for children.

* In case you didn't know.

* I have of late become addicted to Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries on Netflix. This goes a long way to explaining why.

* Sarah Hepola and I frequently crossed paths during our Austin years. She's turned into an amazing writer with a heck of a story to tell.

* The best take on the whole Rachel Dolezal kerfuffle I've read so far.

* Your heartwarming running story for the week.


The Miss Fisher mystery books are good, too. :) And there are 20 of them.

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