off to the Shore
qotd + shameless self promotion

many things make a post

* There's a lot to unpack in this NYT piece about campus suicide but, on a personal note, I wish I'd known about Alice Miller's The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self 20 years ago. 

* If you've not yet had the Scott Miller experience, you really should.

* Interesting.

* "Fascists love brinner."

* While I've not yet read all 100, the ones I have read have been fantastic.

* Huh

* Oh Pittsburgh, my Pittsburgh.

* What Scalzi said (part 4 in a series) re: Bill Cosby.

* Jojo the surfing corgi. (Note: HRH Lucy would never, ever even get near such a thing. She is decidedly not a fan of the water.)

* What the funeral taught me.

* Random acts of cuteness.


Thank you for your blog. I have learned so much from you, from how to make pasta pie to the intrigues of Alice Starmore to struggles with depression to the latest, the 100 articles listed in the Atlantic. I intend to read every one. While you'll never sell me on dog ownership or running, I'm constantly amazed at the breadth of your interests. Keep it up, and thanks again.

You are more than welcome, Teddy. It's nice to know that my ability to focus on just one thing pays off for others, too.

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