knocked out.
February 01, 2016
I still do knit.
During the last AMR podcast, which was with the delightful Kristin Porter, I mentioned that I was knitting knockers. And, yes, the project is pretty much what you think it is.
Lucy helped my ball up my yarn, which is CoBaSi (a cotton, bamboo, silk, and nylon blend (and I guess the name CoBaSiNy was taken?)) DK from the Makers Mercantile kit. Lucy helped me wind the ball.
She's very helpful.
And I started my knocker during an episode of Jessica Jones*:
A few days later, two knockers had been knocked out:
The one on top has been loosely stuffed with cotton balls. I intend to ship them flat but wanted to get an idea of what they'd look like. And, of course, I'll weave in that end. I'm not going for a whole stripper-tassel vibe, just got ahead of myself with the stuffing and picture taking.
The back:
The back opening is designed so that the wearer can customize the level of stuffing/firmness.
(For those inclined to knit a few: it's an easy knit once you get the first few rounds down. One skein of CoBaSi(Ny) made two C-cup size, with a walnut of yarn left over. Additionally, if you are like me, this yarn will remind you why you don't tend to knit with cotton but that it is worth the finger strain for a good cause.)
Now I'm back to working on my endless Fair Isle scarf, which I'll get around to taking pictures of soon. Lord knows it won't be finished anytime soon.
* Short review: the first few episodes are kind of meh. But when it picks up, holy sweet cowbells, is it good, so good that knitting is the only thing that keeps me from exploding from the narrative tension. ** Two warnings: NOT for kids and, if you have issues that trigger, pretty much all of them will be, including but not limited to needles in eyeballs.
** David Tennant is so, so good. I know you don't need me to tell you that but he's even better than you think.