many things make a post
July 18, 2017
- And you thought your commute was bad.
- I am part of the wave -- but will never, ever run for Senate.
- Pay close attention to the last entry here. Anyone else hear a "housing market" echo?
- Once again, if you aren't watching States of Undress with Haley Gates, you are really missing out.
- I've always been more #TeamBurroughs than #Team Kerouac. Now I know why. (Yes, I know it's not real. Still.)
- My friend Una writes about the importance of a female Dr. Who.
There is a program run by progressives here in WI called Emerge, which specializes in training women to run for office. They typically run one four-weekend session a year, but after their first session this year was the largest class ever, they added a second session this fall. We definitely need more women in elective office. (Been there, done that, done now.)
Posted by: kmkat | July 18, 2017 at 05:25 PM